• Classic Lamb Breast and Heart is an 80:10:10 complete raw dog food. The chunky mince is conveniently packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British lamb. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Classic Beef, Rabbit and Duck is a chunky, minced complete 80:10:10 raw dog food, packaged in compostable and recyclable packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food is made from high welfare, British beef, rabbit and duck. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Delicious British Chicken for all adult dogs. A tasty and highly digestible protein source, because fresh is best! Added vitamin E and selenium to help maintain a healthy immune system. Made using ingredients that are easy to digest plus prebiotics for healthy digestion. Symply's hypoallergenic recipe won’t trigger any wheat or wheat gluten allergies.
  • Canagan Large Breed provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients – in an ideal ratio of animal protein to fat for the larger dog, plus beneficial botanicals. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help with the extra strain on joints experienced by larger breeds. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog’s taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • A classic raw, meaty bone. Beef Ribs are a delicious and entertaining raw treat that are also excellent for cleaning teeth. Suitable for experienced raw feeders 10+ months old. Pack size 2 x Beef Ribs. Tasty Beef Ribs will give your dog’s mouth a thorough workout! Healthy, delicious and packed full of natural nutrients to promote health and vitality. We recommend to feed our beef rib bones to dogs over 10 months of age and with raw bone experience. Chewing is an important part of a raw diet and has many benefits for dogs. Not only is it great for strengthening teeth and overall dental hygiene, dogs find chewing calming and comforting. Serve as a treat 1-3 times a week or as part of a home prepared raw meal. Nature's Menu's range of meaty bones and chewing meats are carefully selected to accommodate dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Always supervise your dog when feeding raw meaty bones and select a raw bone or chew that is appropriate for your dog. Zero VAT
  • Pedigree Mixer is a complimentary food which contains essential vitamins & minerals. It is designed to be fed with cans or pouches to give your dog a healthy and balanced meal they will love. Feeding a mixture of wet and dry food is a healthy way to feed your dog. The wet food has a higher moisture content and is less calorie dense, whilst dry food can help maintain healthy teeth and gums. Pedigree Mixer is supposed to be fed to dogs of medium or large size.
  • The wheat-based and oven-baked mixer meal for dogs contains natural fibre, vitamins, minerals, oils and fats that help provide all that is necessary for a dog’s daily diet when mixed with raw, freshly cooked or canned meat.
    • Naturally oven-baked mixer meal for dogs.
    • Made on Fold Hill's farm in Britain using their own wheat.
    • Perfect accompaniment to fresh or canned meat.
    • No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
    • Provides a crisp and crunchy texture.
    • 100% recyclable packaging.
      Fold Hill use quality cereals grown by themselves and other local farmers, ensuring full traceability. Wholesome nutritious products are made by adding other necessary ingredients and vitamins to their cereals during the manufacturing process. Fold Hill Terrier Meal is a complementary pet food only.
  • A perfect beginner bone. Nature's Menu's responsibly sourced Chicken Wings are a source of healthy lean protein with a nice bit of chewy crunch. Suitable for dogs fed a raw diet over 10 weeks of age. Chewing is an important part of a raw diet and has many benefits for dogs. Not only is it great for strengthening teeth and overall dental hygiene, dogs find chewing calming and comforting. Serve as a treat 1-3 times a week or as part of a home prepared raw meal. Nature's Menu's range of meaty bones and chewing meats are carefully selected to accommodate dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Always supervise your dog when feeding raw meaty bones and select a raw bone or chew that is appropriate for your dog. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • The perfect ingredient. Our Just Chicken Raw Mince is made with only quality ingredients and minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Nature's Menu's Just Chicken Raw Mince contains high quality lean chicken and minced bone packed in to easy to serve portions. They only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Chicken Raw Mince is an ingredient, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • An irresistible combination of lean chicken and tripe minced and frozen in single serve packs. Includes minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Highly nutritious blend of quality minced tripe and chicken, minced with raw bone for added goodness. Tripe is a great source of digestive enzymes and chicken provides a tasty, lean protein dogs love. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packaged into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Chicken and Tripe Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Pork Mince should be considered a complementary feed, to be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% pork mince packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British pork. This product is for all life stages and is grain-free with absolutely no additives, making it great for dogs with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Beef Mince should be considered a complementary feed, to be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% beef mince packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British beef. This product is for all life stages and is grain-free with absolutely no additives, making it great for dogs with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
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