• Canagan Small Breed Scottish Salmon has a smaller kibble which is perfect for the smaller dog. Canagan Scottish Salmon is a carefully balanced grain free food with an array of specially selected fish. The freshly prepared deboned Scottish Salmon is produced to an equivalent human food standard and this wonderful food is further boosted with the inclusion of herring, trout and white fish. With reduced carbohydrate levels, and a host of beneficial botanicals Canagan Scottish Salmon provides your companions with a unique blend of super protein availability. For puppies & adults
  • Over two thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and it can be hard to keep on top of regular brushing. Canagan joined forces with Proden PlaqueOff to create a delicious grain-free diet that helps reduce plaque, while nourishing your dog as nature intended. with Proden PlaqueOff For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Highland Feast has been carefully formulated with duck, turkey, pheasant & salmon to create a delicious mix of rich, dark meats and fish which will make your dog feel like a true hunter. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally, their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients. For puppies & adults
  • Over two thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and it can be hard to keep on top of regular brushing. Canagan joined forces with Proden PlaqueOff to create a delicious grain-free diet that helps reduce plaque, while nourishing your dog as nature intended. With Proden PlaqueOff For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Country Game is the defining statement in grain free nutrition. With even higher levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. The freshly prepared duck and venison are produced to an equivalent human food standard and are perfectly complimented with vegetables and botanicals. Let your dog show you this is the ultimate taste experience. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Small Breed Country Game has a smaller kibble which is perfect for the smaller dog. Canagan Country Game is the defining statement in grain free nutrition. With even higher levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. The freshly prepared duck and venison are produced to an equivalent human food standard and are perfectly complimented with vegetables and botanicals. Let your dog show you this is the ultimate taste experience. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Grass-fed Lamb has been carefully formulated with an outstanding meadow raised lamb providing a valuable source of protein and exceptional palatability. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients without the use of artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives. For puppies & adults
  • Dr John Silver is a complete recipe designed to provide lower levels of protein, fat and energy for less active adults & seniors. Alongside lowered but balanced levels of healthy protein (11% chicken) is a wholegrain base providing slow-releasing carbohydrates to keep energy levels even throughout the day and ensure dogs are satisfied with their meal all day every day. Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs 15kg
  • Gilpa Kennel is a favourite of owners that have multiple canine mouths to feed. It’s nutritionally balanced as an adult maintenance diet with large biscuit pieces to suit medium to giant working breeds. It also benefits from an enhanced level of their joint complex of New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract and herbs to help optimise joint health. 15kg Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs (Large and Giant Breeds) Zero VAT
  • Gilpa Super Mix dog food is a delicious recipe of chicken, rice and vegetables for maximum taste and flavour. Containing fish oils for an optimum omega 6:3 ratio, no artificial colours or flavours and a complex of New Zealand green-lipped mussel and herbs to help benefit joint health. 15kg Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs Zero VAT
  • Skinner’s Working 26 (previously known as Crunchy) is a complete working dog food. This dry food recipe has been specially developed and formulated to support dogs who are regularly working at a moderate to high activity intensity. The formulation includes a protein level (26%) to support muscle integrity and development, combined with a fat level (16%) to ensure sustained performance ability. These factors along with a good level of digestible starch (34%), provides a diet to support animals needing fuelled for high activity levels of moderate duration, such as working gundogs (for example picking up dogs on driven shoots) or agility and flyball dogs. 15kg bag New packaging coming 2021 Zero VAT
  • Field & Trial Maintenance is a complete dog food, specially developed and formulated to support dogs with a low to moderate activity level. Maintenance is also suitable for dogs who have a reduced activity level or who are prone to weight gain on some of our other working dog formulations and dogs who might be resting or recovering out of season and so do not require an energy dense feed. This can help to reduce energy intake and help prevent excess weight gain. Maintenance has been formulated with a protein level (18%) and fat level (11%) to support normal day-to-day activity and provides everything your dog requires to remain happy and healthy. 15kg bag Zero VAT New packaging coming 2021
  • Field & Trial Muesli Mix is a complete dog food based on a traditional mix of ingredients, specially developed and formulated to support dogs with a moderate to high activity level. The mix of whole-wheat biscuits, cooked cereals and vegetables (maize, wheat flakes and peas) combined with beef-based protein pellets and all the essential oils, vitamins and minerals that your dog needs, creates an interesting and palatable meal! In addition, Muesli Mix is coated with glucose syrup which can help tempt the fussiest of feeder, as well as supply a useful source of immediate energy for dogs in moderate to hard work! 15kg bag New packaging coming 2021 Zero VAT
  • This Fold Hill plain puppy meal for dogs is made from whole wheatmeal with added vitamins and minerals, and when mixed with fresh or canned dog meat, will provide a healthy, balanced diet for dogs of all ages and breeds. Made on Fold Hill's family farm in Lincolnshire from start to finish, their Fold Hill Mixer Meal is made with whole wheatmeal for fibre, natural oils for shiny and glossy coats, and added minerals and vitamins to aid all-round good health. They use quality cereals grown by themselves and other local farmers, ensuring full traceability for Fold Hill's pet foods. Wholesome nutritious products are made by adding other necessary ingredients and vitamins to their cereals during the manufacturing process.
    • 100% naturally oven-baked mixer meal
    • No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
    • Made on our farm in Lincolnshire
    • Provides a crisp and crunchy texture
    Fold Hill Mixer Meal is a complementary pet food for dogs.
  • Skinner’s Field & Trial Duck and Rice is a complete dog food, specially developed and formulated to support active dogs who are regularly working at a moderate activity intensity. Skinner’s Field & Trial Duck and Rice has been carefully developed to include a protein level of 22% and a fat level of 11% to support the energetic requirements of a range of active dogs, such as working gundogs, agility dogs and active pet dogs. With protein being provided from digestible duck meal, to support muscle integrity and development, and fat to support moderate performance output, Skinner’s Field & Trial Duck and Rice is an ideal choice for a range of dogs. These factors, along with rice supplying digestible carbohydrate as an energy source, means that Skinner’s Field & Trial Duck and Rice constitutes a diet to support the day-to-day requirements of active dogs. 15kg bag New packaging coming 2021 Zero VAT
  • Skinner’s Field & Trial Salmon and Rice is a complete dog food, specially developed and formulated to support active dogs who are regularly working at a moderate activity intensity. Skinner’s Field & Trial Salmon and Rice has been carefully developed to include a protein level of 20% and a fat level of 12% to support the energetic requirements of a range of active dogs, such as working gundogs, agility dogs and active pet dogs. With protein being provided from digestible salmon meal, to support muscle integrity and development, and fat to support moderate performance output, Skinner’s Field & Trial Salmon and Rice is an ideal choice for a range of dogs. These factors, along with rice supplying digestible carbohydrate as an energy source, means that Skinner’s Field & Trial Salmon and Rice constitutes a diet to support the day-to-day requirements of active dogs. 15kg bag New packaging coming 2021 Zero VAT
  • Canagan Large Breed provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients – in an ideal ratio of animal protein to fat for the larger dog, plus beneficial botanicals. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help with the extra strain on joints experienced by larger breeds. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog’s taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Light / Senior provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients in an ideal ratio of animal protein to vegetable, plus beneficial botanicals. Carefully formulated with a lower fat and calorie content for older or overweight dogs, yet still maintains protein levels for strong muscles. Senior and overweight dogs can suffer with joint problems and so Canagan have added plenty of the joint health compounds glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin to help. For puppies & adults
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