• James Wellbeloved  have created dog wet food pouches using all their knowledge and experience of dog foods. They take a handful of ingredients from nature, one source of animal protein and combine them with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. And all the great taste it deserves. For added peace of mind, it’s naturally hypoallergenic so less likely to cause an adverse food reaction and you will never see any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Not now, not ever. 150g pouch
  • James Wellbeloved  have created dog wet food pouches using all their knowledge and experience of dog foods. They take a handful of ingredients from nature, one source of animal protein and combine them with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. And all the great taste it deserves. For added peace of mind, it’s naturally hypoallergenic so less likely to cause an adverse food reaction and you will never see any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Not now, not ever. 150g pouch
  • James Wellbeloved  have created dog wet food pouches using all their knowledge and experience of dog foods. They take a handful of ingredients from nature, one source of animal protein and combine them with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. And all the great taste it deserves. For added peace of mind, it’s naturally hypoallergenic so less likely to cause an adverse food reaction and you will never see any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Not now, not ever. 150g pouch
  • James Wellbeloved  have created dog wet food pouches using all their knowledge and experience of dog foods. They take a handful of ingredients from nature, one source of animal protein and combine them with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. And all the great taste it deserves. For added peace of mind, it’s naturally hypoallergenic so less likely to cause an adverse food reaction and you will never see any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Not now, not ever. 150g pouch
  • This naturally delicious recipe contains 75% tail-waggingly tasty chicken and a mix of wholesome ingredients including brown rice, carrots & peas to deliver a nutritionally balanced meal for your four-legged friend. Easy to digest and free from nasties this recipe is naturally low in fat and will keep your dog coming back for more. Suitable for adult dogs Pack size: 1 x 395g tray
  • Forthglade's complementary recipes contains nutrient-packed meat to provide your dog with a naturally delicious, healthy & easy to digest complimentary wet food. Made using the simple ingredients and gently steamed to retain the natural goodness of the ingredients - your four-legged friend is sure to give this recipe a paw of approval. Flavours allocated randomly. Suitable for 2 months+ 18 x 395g trays
  • Delicious, nutritious and naturally low in fat Forthglade's just turkey recipe is a firm favourite for pet owners who like to tailor mealtimes for their four-legged friend. Containing just 90% turkey and gently steamed to retain as much natural goodness as possible. Free from nasties & gentle on even the most sensitive tummies. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
  • Containing just 90% lamb & a little water to help them gently steam the recipe – Forthglade's just complementary wet food is a simple, honest & nutritious companion to help tailor mealtimes for your four-legged friend. Each recipe is completely free from anything artificial, junk, fillers & grains which make them perfect for even the most sensitive of tummies. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
  • This variation of Forthglade's classic just chicken recipe includes irresistibly tasty tripe which is sure to get a tail-wag of excitement from your four-legged friend. Using the most simple, natural ingredients their recipes are grain free, gentle on sensitive tummies and the perfect companion to help you tailor mealtimes. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
  • Forthglade have added nutrient packed liver to our classic just chicken recipe to provide an additional boost of goodness for your four-legged friend. Naturally delicious and simple, this is the perfect companion for tailoring mealtimes. Grain free, easy to digest and sure to get a tail wag of approval! Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
  • Forthglade have added nutrient-packed heart to this variation of their classic just chicken recipe to provide your dog with a naturally delicious, healthy & easy to digest complimentary wet food. Made using the simple ingredients (just chicken & heart) and gently steamed to retain the natural goodness of the ingredients - your four-legged friend is sure to give this recipe a paw of approval. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
  • Forthglade's just chicken recipe contains just 90% chicken with added minerals and each serving is gently steamed to retain as much natural flavour and goodness as possible. Easy to digest and gentle on even the most sensitive of tummies. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
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