• Dogs love tripe. Our top quality, highly nutritious minced Tripe portions are perfect ingredient for your home prepared raw dog food. Bone Free. Suitable for adult dogs. Super healthy and highly nutritious, this bone free raw meat comes in single serve portions for hassle-free prep. A big hit with dogs, tripe is healthy, delicious and full of flavour. It can also aid digestion as it's packed with good bacteria. Just Tripe Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Simple and full of goodness. Quality minced turkey, made extra easy to prepare in handy single serve frozen packs. Includes minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Turkey is a delicious, nutritious, naturally lean protein your dog can enjoy all year round. With added mince raw bone for extra goodness. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Turkey Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Packed with flavour and goodness. Quality lamb and chicken, minced and packed in convenient single serve portions. Includes minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Richly flavourful whole cuts of lamb minced together with lean chicken, and served in convenient portions that can be thawed and served without fuss. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Lamb and Chicken Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Mix it up with our quality minced chicken and rabbit, a delicious alternative to single-protein meals. Includes minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. A delicious combination of quality minced chicken and rabbit, blended into a tasty, nutritious meat portion. Nature's Menu's only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Chicken and Rabbit Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • The perfect ingredient. Our Just Chicken Raw Mince is made with only quality ingredients and minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Nature's Menu's Just Chicken Raw Mince contains high quality lean chicken and minced bone packed in to easy to serve portions. They only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Chicken Raw Mince is an ingredient, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • An irresistible combination of lean chicken and tripe minced and frozen in single serve packs. Includes minced raw bone for added nutrition. Suitable for adult dogs. Highly nutritious blend of quality minced tripe and chicken, minced with raw bone for added goodness. Tripe is a great source of digestive enzymes and chicken provides a tasty, lean protein dogs love. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packaged into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Chicken and Tripe Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Product may contain small bone pieces 4g/100g may be present. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Tender and tasty minced beef and tripe, conveniently packed in single serving packs for hassle-free preparation. Bone Free. Suitable for adult dogs. A wholesome combination of healthy proteins to use as a nutritious ingredient when making a home prepared raw meal for your dog. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Beef and Tripe Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Simple and delicious. Top quality Beef, minced and packed into convenient single serve portions. Bone free. Suitable for adult dogs. This tasty bone free meat ingredient is made with whole cuts of quality beef, providing your dog with a rich source of protein and essential nutrients. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Beef Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Dr John Silver is a complete recipe designed to provide lower levels of protein, fat and energy for less active adults & seniors. Alongside lowered but balanced levels of healthy protein (11% chicken) is a wholegrain base providing slow-releasing carbohydrates to keep energy levels even throughout the day and ensure dogs are satisfied with their meal all day every day. Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs 15kg
  • A scrumptious selection of our Country Hunter pouches for dogs. Made with 80% meat, plus our special blend of wholesome superfoods, vitamins and minerals. Complete and nutritionally balanced. Grain and gluten free. 12 pouches of delicious and juicy 80% meat Country Hunter Pouches. Each pack contains: 3 x Free Range Chicken 3 x Farm Reared Turkey 3 x Succulent Duck 3 x Grass Grazed Beef Nature's Menu's delicious Country Hunter pouches for dogs are filled with top quality ingredients, sealed and then gently cooked to lock in goodness. A great alternative to raw feeding when travelling or staying away. Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 20 weeks. Each pouch contains a single source of protein, scrumptious fruit and vegetables plus essential vitamins and minerals. Grain and gluten free. Nature's Menu only ever use quality, human grade meats in their meals. No meat meals or meat derivatives, ever. And no artificial colours or preservatives either.
  • A lighter maintenance diet for working dogs. Based on beef with whole grain cereals for palatability and slow energy release. Suitable for: Adult & Senior Dogs
  • Supporting British and Irish farmers, the Burns Hearty Lamb with Carrots & Organic Brown Rice is hand cooked in Wales and the perfect convenient alternative to home cooking. Our wholesome recipe contains natural ingredients and single source protein, making it suitable for adult and senior dogs of any breed, fussy eaters and even the most sensitive dogs. Please note that the Penlan Farm range is changing to Burns Organic Wet Food Range - using only wholesome ingredients such as organic chicken, organic wholegrain brown rice, carrots, vitamins and minerals, with no hidden surprises, ensuring that your dog is getting only the very best. 400g per pack
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