• Canagan Small Breed Free-Range Chicken has a smaller kibble which is perfect for the smaller dog. Canagan Free-Range Chicken is a special grain free dog food formulated by experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Small Breed Country Game has a smaller kibble which is perfect for the smaller dog. Canagan Country Game is the defining statement in grain free nutrition. With even higher levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. The freshly prepared duck and venison are produced to an equivalent human food standard and are perfectly complimented with vegetables and botanicals. Let your dog show you this is the ultimate taste experience. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Scottish Salmon is a carefully balanced grain free food with an array of specially selected fish. The freshly prepared deboned Scottish Salmon is produced to an equivalent human food standard and this wonderful food is further boosted with the inclusion of herring, trout and white fish. With reduced carbohydrate levels, and a host of beneficial botanicals Canagan Scottish Salmon provides your companions with a unique blend of super protein availability. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Light / Senior provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients in an ideal ratio of animal protein to vegetable, plus beneficial botanicals. Carefully formulated with a lower fat and calorie content for older or overweight dogs, yet still maintains protein levels for strong muscles. Senior and overweight dogs can suffer with joint problems and so Canagan have added plenty of the joint health compounds glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin to help. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Large Breed provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients – in an ideal ratio of animal protein to fat for the larger dog, plus beneficial botanicals. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help with the extra strain on joints experienced by larger breeds. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog’s taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Highland Feast has been carefully formulated with duck, turkey, pheasant & salmon to create a delicious mix of rich, dark meats and fish which will make your dog feel like a true hunter. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally, their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Grass-fed Lamb has been carefully formulated with an outstanding meadow raised lamb providing a valuable source of protein and exceptional palatability. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients without the use of artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives. For puppies & adults
  • Over two thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and it can be hard to keep on top of regular brushing. Canagan joined forces with Proden PlaqueOff to create a delicious grain-free diet that helps reduce plaque, while nourishing your dog as nature intended. With Proden PlaqueOff For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Free-Range Chicken is a special grain free dog food formulated by experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Country Game is the defining statement in grain free nutrition. With even higher levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. The freshly prepared duck and venison are produced to an equivalent human food standard and are perfectly complimented with vegetables and botanicals. Let your dog show you this is the ultimate taste experience. For puppies & adults
  • Butcher's Tripe Loaf Recipes are complete and balanced meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. They contain no nasties - no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, and are grain free as they contain no grains or bulkers. Tripe in this recipe is green, because it comes from grass-fed cattle so retains all its natural nutrients. Suitable for adult dogs. 1 x 400g can
  • Butcher's Tripe Loaf Recipes are complete and balanced meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. They contain no nasties - no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, and are grain free as they contain no grains or bulkers. Tripe in this recipe is green, because it comes from grass-fed cattle so retains all its natural nutrients. Suitable for adult dogs. 1 x 400g can
  • Using sustainably sourced white fish, the Burns Wild Fish with Carrots & Organic Brown Rice is hand-cooked in Wales and the perfect convenient alternative to home cooking. This wholesome recipe is natural, hypoallergenic, gluten free and low in fat, making it suitable for adult and senior dogs of any breed, fussy eaters, sensitive dogs and dogs that have pancreatitis. Please note that the Penlan Farm range is changing to Burns Organic Wet Food Range - using only wholesome ingredients such as organic chicken, organic wholegrain brown rice, carrots, vitamins and minerals, with no hidden surprises, ensuring that your dog is getting only the very best. 400g per pack
  • Hand cooked in Wales and made with responsibly sourced ingredients, the Burns Organic Chicken with Carrots & Organic Brown Rice is the perfect convenient alternative to home cooking. This healthy food is hypoallergenic, gluten free and made using natural ingredients and single source protein, making it suitable for adult and senior dogs of any breed, fussy eaters and even the most sensitive dogs. Please note that the Penlan Farm range is changing to Burns Organic Wet Food Range - using only wholesome ingredients such as organic chicken, organic wholegrain brown rice, carrots, vitamins and minerals, with no hidden surprises, ensuring that your dog is getting only the very best. 400g per pack
  • Supporting British and Irish farmers, the Burns Hearty Lamb with Carrots & Organic Brown Rice is hand cooked in Wales and the perfect convenient alternative to home cooking. Our wholesome recipe contains natural ingredients and single source protein, making it suitable for adult and senior dogs of any breed, fussy eaters and even the most sensitive dogs. Please note that the Penlan Farm range is changing to Burns Organic Wet Food Range - using only wholesome ingredients such as organic chicken, organic wholegrain brown rice, carrots, vitamins and minerals, with no hidden surprises, ensuring that your dog is getting only the very best. 400g per pack
  • The Burns Puppy Original Chicken & Rice diet contains a controlled level of protein and fat, helping to ensure your puppy follows a healthy, slow and steady growth pattern. Chicken supplies calcium and phosphorus for healthy bone and muscle development. Highly digestible rice and oats give your puppy energy to play while chicken oil maintains healthy skin and coat by supplying essential linoleic acid.
  • The Weight Control Chicken & Oats is ideal for overweight dogs. It can be used as a general maintenance diet for hungry dogs or dogs that tend to gain weight easily. Naturally high in fibre and made with wholegrain oats it gives a steady release of energy which can help dogs to feel fuller for longer.
  • The Burns Toy & Small Breed Chicken & Rice is suitable for smaller dogs that have a faster metabolic rate. Burns diets are highly digestible which suits smaller stomachs very well and doesn’t overload their system as they only need to eat a small amount to get the nutrients they need. The small kibble size is also great for smaller mouths.
  • Ideal for dogs with digestive upset or skin sensitivity, the Sensitive Pork & Potato is made using potato, wholegrains and a novel protein source, pork. It is a great diet for dogs with intolerances to common ingredients such as chicken, beef and lamb. The pork fat makes this food naturally tasty and provides omega- 6 for healthy skin and coat. Can also be fed as an everyday maintenance diet.
  • This simple recipe with natural ingredients makes it ideal for sensitive dogs. The wholegrain brown rice is important for healthy digestion. Duck is a novel protein source; this means that if your dog has never eaten it before they will be less likely to have a reaction. It is a particularly good option for dogs with food allergies or intolerances. It is low in fat and highly digestible.
  • A popular choice amongst fussy dogs, the Original Lamb & Brown Rice is made using simple, natural ingredients to meet a dog’s nutritional requirements. The low fat and controlled protein levels help to meet a dog’s needs but not exceed them, this in turn helps to maintain a healthy dog. The wholegrain brown rice in this food has a variety of nutritional benefits and is a complex carbohydrate so gives a steady release of energy.
  • As with all of the Burns diets, the Original Fish & Brown Rice is hypoallergenic and has a simple recipe with natural ingredients. Fish is low in fat and a great source of protein. It also contains salmon oil which is high in omega fatty acids and important for healthy skin. Brown rice is a wholegrain and has a variety of nutritional benefits, including being high in fibre helping to maintain healthy digestion.
  • Made to John Burns’ original recipe the Original Chicken & Brown Rice contains everything an adult dog needs for lifelong health and vitality. It is low in fat and when used as a general maintenance diet, it can help to maintain healthy skin, coat and digestion. As with all of the Burns diets it has a simple recipe and avoids artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives.
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