• This recipe includes 75% deliciously tasty lamb along with a mix of nutrient-rich brown rice and vegetables to provide your dog with the nutritionally balanced meal they deserve. Easy to digest and free from nasties your four-legged friend is sure to keep coming back for more. Suitable for adult dogs 395g trays
  • This naturally delicious recipe contains 75% tail-waggingly tasty chicken and a mix of wholesome ingredients including brown rice, carrots & peas to deliver a nutritionally balanced meal for your four-legged friend. Easy to digest and free from nasties this recipe is naturally low in fat and will keep your dog coming back for more. Suitable for adult dogs 395g trays
  • This naturally delicious recipe contains 75% tail-waggingly tasty chicken and a mix of wholesome ingredients including brown rice, carrots & peas to deliver a nutritionally balanced meal for your four-legged friend. Easy to digest and free from nasties this recipe is naturally low in fat and will keep your dog coming back for more. Suitable for adult dogs Pack size: 1 x 395g tray
  • This Fold Hill Mixer Meal for dogs is specially formulated so that when it is mixed with fresh (raw or cooked meat) or canned dog meat, it will provide a fully balanced nutritional diet for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. Made on Fold Hill's family farm in Lincolnshire from start to finish, their Fold Hill Mixer Meal is made with whole wheatmeal for fibre, natural oils for shiny and glossy coats, and added minerals and vitamins to aid all-round good health. They use quality cereals grown by themselves and other local farmers, ensuring full traceability for Fold Hill's pet foods. Wholesome nutritious products are made by adding other necessary ingredients and vitamins to their cereals during the manufacturing process.
    • Mixer meal for dogs
    • Made on Fold Hill's farm in Britain
    • The perfect accompaniment to wet food
    • Provides crisp and crunchy texture, helping to keep teeth clean and breath fresh
    Fold Hill Mixer Meal is a complementary pet food for dogs.
  • Pedigree Mixer is a complimentary food which contains essential vitamins & minerals. It is designed to be fed with cans or pouches to give your dog a healthy and balanced meal they will love. Feeding a mixture of wet and dry food is a healthy way to feed your dog. The wet food has a higher moisture content and is less calorie dense, whilst dry food can help maintain healthy teeth and gums. Pedigree Mixer is supposed to be fed to dogs of medium or large size.
  • DIY Organic Chicken Carcasses contains whole chicken carcasses giving this product approx. 40-50% bone content. Suitable for adults and seniors, this complementary product is great for fussy dogs, those with allergies and sensitive tummies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
  • Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
  • Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
  • Canagan Chicken Hotpot is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh fish and chelated minerals.  This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
  • Canagan Shepherd's Pie is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
  • Canagan Turkey & Duck Dinner is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
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