• Tender shredded chicken and delicious morsels of crab meat simply cooked in their own natural gravy. A highly nutritious complete food for cats that can also be used to accompany dry food. We use chicken breast meat without the skin for all our wet chicken foods. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. 75g can
  • Canagan Scottish Salmon For Cats is a carefully balanced grain free food containing over 75% fish providing your cat with a unique blend of super protein availability. Our freshly prepared deboned Scottish Salmon is produced to an equivalent human food standard this wonderful food is further boosted with the inclusion of herring, trout and white fish. The delicious selection of natural ingredients will excite even the fussiest of felines. Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
  • Canagan Light / Senior / Sterilised is for overweight, senior or sterilised cats. This gorgeous recipe features high levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. Our master chefs add glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin for healthy joints, Salmon Oil for great skin and coat and a myriad of succulent vegetables and botanicals. Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
  • Canagan Free Range Chicken For Cats is a special grain free cat food with over 65% chicken to provide the protein rich diet your cat will thrive on. Formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition with low carbohydrates, no grains and a host of vegetables and botanicals to more closely mimic your cat’s natural diet. Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
  • ProDen PlaqueOff® is made from a special seaweed, harvested along the North Atlantic coast. It works through the bloodstream, releasing a natural compound into the saliva which breaks down the bacterial film on the teeth which plaque sticks to. Gum disease is experienced by over two thirds of cats, and can be very painful, and may lead to tooth loss Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
  • With Duck, Venison and Rabbit. Canagan Country Game for Cats is the defining statement in grain free nutrition. With even higher levels of super digestible protein delivered by an unprecedented selection of delicious natural ingredients. Our freshly prepared duck and venison are produced to an equivalent human food standard and are perfectly complimented with vegetables and botanicals. Let your cat show you this is the ultimate taste experience. Canagan is a special grain free cat food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your cat's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
  • Canac cat litter deodoriser has been specially formulated to control unpleasant odours in the cat’s litter tray. Its herbal fresh fragrance keeps the area around the litter tray fresh and clean smelling and it is suitable for use on all types of cat litter. With an herbal fresh fragrance, this fantastic litter deodoriser keeps the area around the litter tray fresh and clean, for a longer lasting nice smell. Suitable for use on all types of cat litter, the Canac Cat Litter Deodoriser means you no longer have to suffer those disgusting odours in your home! 200g
  • Made in the UK from re-cycled newspaper, using a patented chemical and additive free process. Breeder Celect offers excellent odour control, is 99% Dust free and Eco-Friendly.
    • A unique and patented Paper Pellet Cat Litter, pellets remain whole when wet but absorbs all urine
    • Kitten safe
    • No pellet breakdown when wet
    • Free from chemicals or additives
    • Natural, Bio-degradable & Planet Friendly
    10 litres
  • Bob Martin Clear Wormer 20mg Spot-On Worming your cat is important to keep your cat happy and healthy whilst also safeguarding your home from infestations. Bob Martin Clear Spot-On Wormer for Cats and Kittens is a fast and effective treatment for tapeworm infestations. Cats can contract worms in a variety of ways such as, being in contact with other infected fleas, eating their eggs or larvae e.g. in grass, or by eating raw meat infected by parasites. In more severe cases symptoms can include weight loss, vomiting and diarrhoea. This pack contains 4 treatments to effectively kill and eradicate common tapeworms affecting cats.
    • Treats tapeworm for up to 1 month.
    • Easy to apply at the base of the cat’s neck.
    • Suitable for kittens and cats over 1kg.
    • Each pipette contains 20mg of praziquantel.
  • Bob Martin Clear Wormer 20mg Spot-On Worming your cat is important to keep your cat happy and healthy whilst also safeguarding your home from infestations. Bob Martin Clear Spot-On Wormer for Cats and Kittens is a fast and effective treatment for tapeworm infestations. Cats can contract worms in a variety of ways such as, being in contact with other infected fleas, eating their eggs or larvae e.g. in grass, or by eating raw meat infected by parasites. In more severe cases symptoms can include weight loss, vomiting and diarrhoea. This pack contains 2 treatments to effectively kill and eradicate common tapeworms affecting cats.
    • Treats tapeworm for up to 1 month.
    • Easy to apply at the base of the cat’s neck.
    • Suitable for kittens and cats over 1kg.
    • Each pipette contains 20mg of praziquantel.
  • Bob Martin Clear Home Flea Bomb Fumigation Pack is a convenient and easy way to kill fleas in your home, especially in the rooms your pet has access to. Warm rooms provide a haven for fleas, which jump from your pet onto carpets and soft furnishings. But one application of the pack is an effective way to kill fleas quickly, and to eradicate infestations for up to three months. Contains permethrin 13.50% (w/w). HSE 5891. 4.5g
  • Specially formulated for cats and dogs, its regular use will make bad-breath or expensive dental treatments less likely. Beaphar Toothpaste is readily accepted, due to it's meaty flavour. Brushing dislodges plaque, then the special formula goes into action, with two enzymes that fight bad bacteria and break down plaque. Protese destroys the protein structure of plaque before it binds with calcium to create tartar, while glucose oxidase transforms glucose into harmless gluconic acid, producing a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is antibacterial and kills dental bacteria. 100g
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