Forthglade have added nutrient-packed heart to this variation of their classic just chicken recipe to provide your dog with a naturally delicious, healthy & easy to digest complimentary wet food. Made using the simple ingredients (just chicken & heart) and gently steamed to retain the natural goodness of the ingredients - your four-legged friend is sure to give this recipe a paw of approval. Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
Forthglade's just beef recipe includes 90% naturally delicious and highly nutritious beef, which is gently steamed to retain as much natural goodness as possible. Free from anything artificial this recipe is sure to get a tail-wag of approval from your four-legged friend. Suitable for 2 months+ Pack size: 395g trays
Forthglade have added nutrient packed liver to our classic just chicken recipe to provide an additional boost of goodness for your four-legged friend. Naturally delicious and simple, this is the perfect companion for tailoring mealtimes. Grain free, easy to digest and sure to get a tail wag of approval! Suitable for 2 months+ 395g trays
This Symply Turkey Bake tray is a delicious complete and balanced recipe featuring succulent cuts of meat and vegetables. These wonderful ingredients are gently cooked to make a gorgeous meal for your companion. Symply add Salmon oil which is naturally high in omega 3 and DHA, believed to assist in healthy brain and visual development. Symply's hypoallergenic recipe won’t trigger any wheat or wheat gluten allergies. A tasty and highly digestible protein source, because fresh is best! 395g tray
This Symply Duck & Turkey with Sweet Potato, Grain Free tray is a delicious complete and balanced recipe featuring succulent cuts of meat and vegetables. These wonderful ingredients are gently cooked to make a gorgeous meal for your companion. Packed with Duck, a healthy digestible protein source. Symply add Salmon oil which is naturally high in omega 3 and DHA, believed to assist in healthy brain and visual development. Made using ingredients that are easy to digest plus prebiotics for healthy digestion. Symply's hypoallergenic recipe won’t trigger any wheat or wheat gluten allergies. 395g tray