Canagan Senior Feast is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan Salmon & Herring Supper is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh fish and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan Turkey & Duck Dinner is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan Shepherd's Pie is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan Chicken Hotpot is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh fish and chelated minerals. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. Canagan also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, their ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. For puppies & adults. The can and all packaging materials are fully recyclable on this product. 400g per can.
Over two thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and it can be hard to keep on top of regular brushing. Canagan joined forces with Proden PlaqueOff to create a delicious grain-free diet that helps reduce plaque, while nourishing your dog as nature intended. With Proden PlaqueOff For puppies & adults
Canagan Highland Feast has been carefully formulated with duck, turkey, pheasant & salmon to create a delicious mix of rich, dark meats and fish which will make your dog feel like a true hunter. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally, their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients. For puppies & adults
Canagan Grass-fed Lamb has been carefully formulated with an outstanding meadow raised lamb providing a valuable source of protein and exceptional palatability. Prebiotics support digestion whilst a host of botanicals provide many other benefits. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help assist with the care of joints. Naturally their recipes are grain free using the finest quality ingredients without the use of artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives. For puppies & adults
Canagan Light / Senior provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients in an ideal ratio of animal protein to vegetable, plus beneficial botanicals. Carefully formulated with a lower fat and calorie content for older or overweight dogs, yet still maintains protein levels for strong muscles. Senior and overweight dogs can suffer with joint problems and so Canagan have added plenty of the joint health compounds glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin to help. For puppies & adults