• Paleo Plus Turkey and Fish is a lean and chunky raw dog food, minced for your convenience and packaged in compostable and recyclable packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British turkey, beef and sea-caught hake. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors, this product is great for fussy dogs, those with allergies and sensitive tummies. 500g pack Zero VAT
  • Paleo Plus Berry Good is a raw dog food supplement with an impressive array of sustainably sourced super-foods, chosen for their nutritional excellence. Packaged in compostable and recyclable packs. Suitable for all life stages, this product is great for dogs with allergies and sensitive tummies. 500g pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Organic Chicken Carcass Mince is a complementary feed that should be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% Organic chicken carcass mince with the OF&G certification. Packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs, this Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare organic British chicken. Suitable for adult and senior dogs, this complementary product is great for those with allergies and sensitive tummies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Beef Tripe Mince is a complementary feed that should be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% beef tripe. Packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs, this Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British beef. Suitable for all ages including puppies and seniors, this complementary product is great for those with allergies and sensitive tummies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Beef Mince should be considered a complementary feed, to be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% beef mince packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British beef. This product is for all life stages and is grain-free with absolutely no additives, making it great for dogs with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Duck Feet is a complementary feed that should be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% free-range duck feet. Packaged in compostable and recyclable packs, this Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare free-to-roam British duck. ** Bones should always be fed under supervision ** 600g pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Fish Whole is a complementary feed that should be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) contains sustainably sourced sardines, sprats, sea bass and herring. Suitable for dogs of all ages, this complementary product is great for dogs with allergies. 800g pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Lamb Tripe Mince should be considered a complementary feed, to be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% washed green lamb tripe packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British lamb. This product is for all life stages and is grain-free with absolutely no additives, making it great for dogs with allergies and sensitive tummies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Pork Mince should be considered a complementary feed, to be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% pork mince packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British pork. This product is for all life stages and is grain-free with absolutely no additives, making it great for dogs with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • DIY Turkey Carcass Mince is a complementary feed that should be fed as part of a balanced DIY diet or as a treat. Contains 100% free-range turkey carcass mince. Packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs, this Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare free-to-roam British turkey. Suitable for adult and senior dogs, this low-fat complementary product is great for those with allergies and sensitive tummies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Simple and delicious. Top quality Beef, minced and packed into convenient single serve portions. Bone free. Suitable for adult dogs. This tasty bone free meat ingredient is made with whole cuts of quality beef, providing your dog with a rich source of protein and essential nutrients. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Beef Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
  • Tender and tasty minced beef and tripe, conveniently packed in single serving packs for hassle-free preparation. Bone Free. Suitable for adult dogs. A wholesome combination of healthy proteins to use as a nutritious ingredient when making a home prepared raw meal for your dog. Nature's Menu only ever use responsibly sourced quality raw materials, prepared and packed into convenient single serve portions at our factory in Norfolk. Just Beef and Tripe Raw Mince is an ingredient or treat, not a complete meal. Add it to other ingredients to make balanced and nutritious raw meals at home. Due to this being a natural raw product, colour and appearance may vary between batches 400g pack Zero VAT
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