• Classic Beef Tripe and Chicken is a chunky, minced complete 80:10:10 raw dog food, packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high welfare, British Beef and Organic British Chicken. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Classic marrow bone for experienced raw fed dogs. Tough for a healthy workout, encouraging improved dental hygiene and rich in fat and nutrients. Suitable for experienced raw feeders 10+ months old. Pack size 1 x Beef Marrowbone. 100% natural whole Beef Marrow Bones are deliciously satisfying and the perfect treat for experienced raw fed dogs. We recommend to feed to dogs over 10 months of age and with experience of eating raw bones. Chewing is an important part of a raw diet and has many benefits for dogs. Not only is it great for strengthening teeth and overall dental hygiene, dogs find chewing calming and comforting. Serve as a treat 1-3 times a week or as part of a home prepared raw meal. Nature's Menu's range of meaty bones and chewing meats are carefully selected to accommodate dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Always supervise your dog when feeding raw meaty bones and select a raw bone or chew that is appropriate for your dog. Zero VAT
  • Classic Lamb Tripe and Turkey is a lean and chunky, complete 80:10:10 raw dog food, minced for your convenience and packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British lamb and turkey. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Classic Lamb Tripe and Duck is a chunky, 80:10:10 complete raw dog food, minced for your convenience and packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high-welfare British lamb and duck. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Classic Beef Tripe and Duck is a chunky, minced complete 80:10:10 raw dog food, packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high welfare, British beef and duck. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
  • Butcher's Tripe Loaf Recipes are complete and balanced meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. They contain no nasties - no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, and are grain free as they contain no grains or bulkers. Tripe in this recipe is green, because it comes from grass-fed cattle so retains all its natural nutrients. Suitable for adult dogs. 1 x 400g can
  • Classic Beef Heart, Tripe and Chicken is a chunky, minced complete 80:10:10 raw dog food, packaged in compostable and recyclable 1kg packs. This Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is made from high welfare, British beef and organic British chicken. Suitable for all life stages including puppies and seniors. This product is great for fussy dogs and those with allergies. 1kg pack Zero VAT
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