• A deliciously wholesome blend of British duck, venison, chickpea, sweet potato and herbs makes these grain free biscuit bakes the perfect natural reward for good behaviour. Hand baked to crunchy perfection in carbon neutral wood fired ovens by our skilled bakers. Canagan have included chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM to help keep joints protected, plus tartar control for healthy teeth and gums. A complementary treat for dogs to be fed alongside a complete and balanced food. Suitable for puppies and adults 1 x 150g pack
  • A deliciously wholesome blend of chicken, chickpea, sweet potato and herbs makes these grain free biscuit bakes the perfect natural reward for good behaviour. Hand baked to crunchy perfection in carbon neutral wood fired ovens by our skilled bakers. Canagan have included chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM to help keep joints protected, plus Tartar control for healthy teeth and gums. A complementary treat for dogs to be fed alongside a complete and balanced food. Suitable for puppies and adults 1 x 150g pack
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