• Brambles Semi Moist Hedgehog Food 850g is a complementary food specially formulated to give the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for hedgehogs, and due to its soft texture is also great for young and rehabilitating hedgehogs.
  • Critter's Choice offers a variety of colourful tasty titbits which can be used as part of a balanced diet. Raspberry and Strawberry Drops make the perfect luxury treat for any small animal.
    • Sucrose helps absorb nutrients and mineral to provide maximum health benefits to your pet
    • Bright pink colour gives these treats an attractive look that pleases your pet
    • Oils and fats content provide adequate energy and help manage cholesterol
    • Vegetable fat assists in healthy cell growth
    • Enriched with proteins, these treats help keep the bones strong
  • Cockatiel Mix Food

    A blend of millet, seeds, pellets, full of  vitamins and minerals to help keep your Cockatiel healthy and full of life. Zero VAT
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