• James Wellbeloved  have created dog wet food pouches using all their knowledge and experience of dog foods. They take a handful of ingredients from nature, one source of animal protein and combine them with all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs. And all the great taste it deserves. For added peace of mind, it’s naturally hypoallergenic so less likely to cause an adverse food reaction and you will never see any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Not now, not ever. 150g pouch
  • Super meaty wet food, made with 80% free range chicken blended with a nutritious selection of fruits and vegetables. Grain free and low fat. Complete and balanced. Pack size: 1 x 150g A complete and nutritionally balanced meal made with 80% responsibly sourced, free range chicken and a generous portion of delicious fruit and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, mixed berries and carrots. Grain and gluten free. Contains no nasty meat meals or derivatives, artificial colours or flavourings. Nature's Menu's Country Hunter pouches for dogs are filled with top quality ingredients, sealed and then gently cooked to lock in goodness. A great alternative to raw feeding when travelling or staying away. Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 20 weeks. They only ever use quality, human grade meats in our meals. No meat meals or meat derivatives, ever. And no artificial colours or preservatives either.
  • Super meaty wet food, made with 80% succulent duck blended with a nutritious selection of fruits and vegetables. Grain free and chicken free. Complete and balanced. Pack size: 1 x 150g A complete, nutritionally balanced meal made with 80% responsibly sourced, succulent duck with a generous portion of delicious fruit and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, mixed berries and carrots. Grain and gluten free. Contains no nasty meat meals or derivatives, artificial colours or flavourings. Nature's Menu Country Hunter pouches for dogs are filled with top quality ingredients, sealed and then gently cooked to lock in goodness. A great alternative to raw feeding when travelling or staying away. Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 20 weeks. They only ever use quality, human grade meats in our meals. No meat meals or meat derivatives, ever. And no artificial colours or preservatives either.
  • Super meaty wet food, made with 80% farm-reared turkey blended with a nutritious selection of fruits and vegetables. Grain free, chicken free and low fat. Complete and balanced. Pack size: 1 x 150g A complete and nutritionally balanced meal made with 80% responsibly sourced, farm-reared turkey and a generous portion of delicious fruit and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, mixed berries and carrots. Grain and gluten free. Contains no nasty meat meals or derivatives, artificial colours or flavourings. Nature's Menu's Country Hunter pouches for dogs are filled with top quality ingredients, sealed and then gently cooked to lock in goodness. A great alternative to raw feeding when travelling or staying away. Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 20 weeks. They only ever use quality, human grade meats in our raw meals. No meat meals or meat derivatives, ever. And no artificial colours or preservatives either.
  • Super meaty wet food, made with 80% whole cuts grass-grazed beef blended with a nutritious selection of fruits and vegetables. Grain free, chicken free and low fat. Complete and balanced. Pack size: 1 x 150g A complete and nutritionally balanced meal packed made with 80% responsibly sourced, grass-fed beef and a generous portion of delicious fruit and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, mixed berries and carrots. Grain and gluten free. Contains no nasty meat meals or derivatives, artificial colours or flavourings. Nature's Menu's Country Hunter pouches for dogs are filled with top quality ingredients, sealed and then gently cooked to lock in goodness. A great alternative to raw feeding when travelling or staying away. Suitable for adult dogs and puppies over 20 weeks. Nature's Menu only ever use quality, human grade meats in their meals. No meat meals or meat derivatives, ever. And no artificial colours or preservatives either.
  • Butcher's Tripe Loaf Recipes are complete and balanced meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. They contain no nasties - no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, and are grain free as they contain no grains or bulkers. Tripe in this recipe is green, because it comes from grass-fed cattle so retains all its natural nutrients. Suitable for adult dogs. 1 x 400g can
  • Butcher's Tripe Loaf Recipes are complete and balanced meals rich in all the nutrients your dog needs. They contain no nasties - no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, and are grain free as they contain no grains or bulkers. Tripe in this recipe is green, because it comes from grass-fed cattle so retains all its natural nutrients. Suitable for adult dogs. 1 x 400g can
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