• The wheat-based and oven-baked mixer meal for dogs contains natural fibre, vitamins, minerals, oils and fats that help provide all that is necessary for a dog’s daily diet when mixed with raw, freshly cooked or canned meat.
    • Naturally oven-baked mixer meal for dogs.
    • Made on Fold Hill's farm in Britain using their own wheat.
    • Perfect accompaniment to fresh or canned meat.
    • No added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
    • Provides a crisp and crunchy texture.
    • 100% recyclable packaging.
      Fold Hill use quality cereals grown by themselves and other local farmers, ensuring full traceability. Wholesome nutritious products are made by adding other necessary ingredients and vitamins to their cereals during the manufacturing process. Fold Hill Terrier Meal is a complementary pet food only.
  • Pedigree Mixer is a complimentary food which contains essential vitamins & minerals. It is designed to be fed with cans or pouches to give your dog a healthy and balanced meal they will love. Feeding a mixture of wet and dry food is a healthy way to feed your dog. The wet food has a higher moisture content and is less calorie dense, whilst dry food can help maintain healthy teeth and gums. Pedigree Mixer is supposed to be fed to dogs of medium or large size.
  • Canagan Large Breed provides your companions with a host of biologically appropriate nutrients – in an ideal ratio of animal protein to fat for the larger dog, plus beneficial botanicals. In addition, significant amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are added to help with the extra strain on joints experienced by larger breeds. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog’s taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
  • Delicious British Chicken for all adult dogs. A tasty and highly digestible protein source, because fresh is best! Added vitamin E and selenium to help maintain a healthy immune system. Made using ingredients that are easy to digest plus prebiotics for healthy digestion. Symply's hypoallergenic recipe won’t trigger any wheat or wheat gluten allergies.
  • Over two thirds of dogs suffer from gum disease, and it can be hard to keep on top of regular brushing. Canagan joined forces with Proden PlaqueOff to create a delicious grain-free diet that helps reduce plaque, while nourishing your dog as nature intended. with Proden PlaqueOff For puppies & adults
  • Canagan Free-Range Chicken is a special grain free dog food formulated by experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs. For puppies & adults
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